Upcoming Events
ISA 2023 TASA Aligned Thematic Event
‘Mobile Transitions’: A Symposium on Global Youth, Transnational Mobilities and Transitions to Adulthood
Friday 23rd June 2023, 9:30AM - 5PM
Deakin Downtown, Melbourne
Young people aged 18-30 represent the most mobile cohort across the globe. Much of this mobility is encouraged and facilitated by current migration, education and social policy, reflecting the widely accepted view that transnational mobility will provide youth with enhanced life chances and competitive job skills as they transition to adulthood, as well as benefit the community more broadly through an increasingly cosmopolitan and agile workforce. Yet these assumptions have been largely untested, and research and policy have remained narrowly national in focus. This symposium brings together leading and emerging scholars who are researching transnational youth mobility to explore the impacts of mobility, immobilities and temporalities on young people’s transitions to adulthood. It features a keynote session with Associate Professor Valentina Cuzzocrea, two themed sessions including a special session on the Youth Mobilities, Aspirations & Pathways Project, and a panel on careers outside of academia with recent migration studies PhDs.
This hybrid free event is open to all but registration is required. In-person registrations have now closed but you can still attend virtually, please register for this event via Zoom only.
We are delighted to welcome our keynote speaker for the event, Associate Professor Valentina Cuzzocrea
(Università degli studi di Cagliari).
Other featured speakers:
Dr Adam Cooper
Professor Catherine Gomes
Associate Professor Marco Alberio
Professor Anita Harris
Professor Loretta Baldassar
Associate Professor Shanthi Robertson
This event is a pre-conference event aligned to the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology being held in Melbourne 2023. We encourage you to look at other events and particularly draw your attention to The Youth + Work Pre-Congress Symposium. Disrupted Plans, Digital Modalities, and undecided futures.